Purposeful HR – Insights for 2021

The extraordinary events of 2020 have once again highlighted the centrality of the human context for all organisations. With this in mind, the curiosity of The Mind at Work was inspired to discover how the Human Resources discipline has been invited and indeed required to respond.
Our research has culminated in the publication of this – The Mind at Work’s first Purposeful HR Review where the views of 32 senior HR professionals, from individual global organisations were obtained, through personal 1-2-1 interviews and online research, with the feedback highlighting the remarkable role that HR professionals play.
What has become apparent, is that this moment requires solutions that transcend the normal approaches to transformation that have characterised business strategies over the past two decades. Indeed it is our view that what is emerging in the most progressive HR leaders and disciplines is that they are beginning to transform transformation itself with elevated purposes rooted in the humanity of their organisations to create thriving, connected and motivated organisational cultures.
The genuinely remarkable HR professionals we met, were those most aware of their own ‘inner state’ and most connected to their purposes. In turn, those HR professionals seemed to more readily place deeper purposes and human connectedness at the centre of their leadership and interventions.
As we share our stand-out insights, we would like to express our gratitude to all who contributed to our research. And we look forward to receiving your feedback in the future, as we continue to develop The Mind at Work’s response to the ever-evolving context for HR.
Discover more about The Mind at Work’s unique approach to purposeful HR through our Beyond Survival programme.