Founder, London
Darren Rudkin
Darren founded The Mind at Work in 2005, with a wholehearted purpose to help leaders learn how to create competitive advantage for their organisations by focussing upon how they lead themselves and work together. Darren’s insights stem from his deep understanding of the impact that conscious leadership has in creating stakeholder wealth beyond traditional financial metrics. His initial business education came during his career in HR and marketing at Unilever, before he became a founding member of the award-winning innovation consultancy ?What If! – recognised by the Financial Times as the Best Place to Work in the UK and Best Small Business in Europe. Darren has developed a unique ability to facilitate leadership teams to identify what they truly stand for and then build the self-awareness, culture and strategy required to connect them authentically to their higher purpose. Darren lives near London and enjoys spending time with his two children, who are now young adults. He swims to keep fit and is an experienced meditation practitioner and teacher.